Sunday, December 21, 2008

Potty Training

Now that all pups are home and should be settling in; let's start some training!
Training at 6 weeks? Yes!

Potty Training: Inside dogs
Pups should already have a desire to go far away from their home to relieve themselves, it is your job to give him/her an opportunity to do so. There are several ways to do this, but you should always remember these things,
1. When your pups first wakes from a nap (in the first few seconds) pick him up and put him outside. We start by picking them up so that they do not have an opportunity to think and instictively react to bladder pressure. Go outside with him, watch him go and reward him with good dog, or a small treat.
2. After she eats and drinks, let her out.
3. If you see her sniffing around the floor, let her out!

There are several gimmicks you may want to start once your puppy gets the idea. After a few days of picking them up to put out, try these:

1. Ask your pup when she first wakes, Do you need to go potty? What ever the question, you will want to put the word you will use for "potty" in your sentence. In this case we are using the word "potty". Then you keep repeating, potty? clap your hands and get her to follow you. I do not like to use the word "out" because you may need it in later training and you will confuse the dogs. Repeat, "potty?" and lead her to the door. Go out with her and when you notice her start to squat, "potty" without the question in your voice. Immediately give a treat when she is finished. Make sure to allow time to poop.

Bell ringing to go outside:
1. This is a fun trick that can be taught with a little more time and effort. A bell is hung from the wall next to the door the dog goes out to relieve. Once the pup is going to the door by himself to ask to go out, you may get lazy and forget to notice. This trick will make sure you do not. OTFS (Old Time Farm Shepherds) do not bark, so these dogs will NOT bark or whine to let you know they have to go out.

2. When the pup goes to door, wiggle the bell (a soft sounding bell not a cow bell!) try to get the pup to grab and pull on the bell, make it a game that is fun for him! The Minute he reaches for and touches the rope, give him a treat. You do NOT give a command for this task, as he will use this to let you know he needs to go out. Then let him immediately outside. You do need to do this every time he is let out to potty. NOT when let out to play. Once he begins to use the bell, he will think it great fun to ring it to get you to come play with him, or to go out and play, do NOT reward with a treat then, ignore him. You can not punish him for using the bell, but it is not a toy either. Make sure you are willing to listen to him ring the bell! If he begins to use it as a tug o war toy, you will then of course need to tell him "no", then "potty" and let him outside.

Potty training outside dogs:
These pups are of course outside all the time so why potty train? Well, you train here where NOT to go. Walk your pup around the area you prefer to have him relieve himself after meals every day. This is usually fast and easy training.

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