Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Poddy Training part two

By now all pups should be pretty well poddy trained. If not there are just two reasons:
1. your letting your pup roam in too large an area. Confine the puppy to one or two rooms, or have him follow you to every room you go to.
2. You are not recognising your pups signs to go out. Very few dogs will actually whine at the door or scratch. You need to notice when he even walks over to the door and sniff. "Good Boy" and let him out. When you bring him back in remember to pet him.

Some dogs you will want to train to "go" on command. Service dogs and police dogs noticeably. For this you will want to place the pup on leash to go outside when you know he is ready. Have a treat in your pocket for him.

Reward when he is finished.

WE brought our pup in for the first time to stay all night. Jesse locked her in the laundry room. I never heard a peep out of her all night. When I got up at 5am, she had not made a single mistake all night. Good dog!

If you are having trouble with your pup, be sure to write and ask for help!

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