Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A New Game, "Where's Jesse?"

We want to start this game early in your pups training, as it is a game the whole family can get involved in, and the training will take a few weeks to get it down, then work more and more.

Put the pup in the center of a circle of fmaily members. The "handler" is the person that gives commands to the pup, the one bonded is not necessarily the handler. It should be an adult, always the same person to do most training, after training is going well then other family members can give commands.

So everyone has at least three very small treats the pup loves. Chicken is great. Make it a very fun game and the dog will catch on in a day or two and the kids love this one. The handler holds pup in lap, and says "Where's ______?" and give a childs or family members name. The person who is names says "here I am" very excited. Let the pup go to the child, and the child gives the treat ONLY when the pup actually gets to the person named. This goes a couple time around the circle until all treats are gone. This is to stay a game, so the dog is excited to go to each family member.

You can see where this will be a tremendous help to family's. IT is the start of search and rescue work, differnet from tracking as tracking is with the nose on scent; this is air scenting.

Let me know how you like this one!

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