Saturday, January 3, 2009

Training a Livestock Protection Puppy

Pups are 8 weeks old now and ready to begin training as a livestock protection dog.

PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU HAVE HORSES IN FIELDS, PLEASE KEEP YOUR PUP ON LEASH OR NEXT TO YOU AT ALL TIMES AS SOME HORSES WILL ATTEMPT TO KILL PUPPIES: WE have lost more livestock over the years to horses than to cougar, coyotes and bear combined! In my opinion, most horses should never be run with livestock.

Your pups should now be comfortable with you and in thier environment. Please keep pups outside as much as possible, they can not work when in the house!

Every day now should begin the task of taking your pup out in the smallest field (not a pen) and walk the perimeters of the fence with them. They should not be allowed to go under/over fences, but stay with you. Do NOT encourage them to go up to livestock. All animals have a flight or fight instinct; and we do not want the pup to get hurt or freightened of your livestock. If they notice the stock, or even bark at them just a quiet, "that'll do" should be enough. If they begin to move toward the stock, call them to you and pet them when they come. We do not want to discourage investigations or curiosity too much but we need to keep the experience happy and building courage and trust.

In his exercise we are showing the pup boundaries, gaining trust and boldness. I have already walked 48 acres with our pups, and they have no trouble keeping up so your pup should be able to do the same.

Good luck, and don't hesitate to post quesitons here is you like.

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