Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New game, "Take It"

When pups are young there are several things they like to do. One is to pick up and carry things in their mouths. This is a useful tool we can use to train pups that will later be used to do such things as:
Bring me a book off the bookshelf
Bring the paper
Carry the mail into the house for me
Carry groceries
Take my horse over to the hitching rail.
Attack and Release hold on a "criminal" or attacker.

This is one of the many tricks that will need to be taught young, so don't put it off too long. WE have started Ariel on this already, and after one lesson she is taking things from my hand and carrying for short distances.

I do not train alot with food. I like to surprize a dog and start pups with food, but I have already transfered her from food to petting and praise. She likes that as much as she does food now. You need to remember, she is with myself or the kids 24/7, so she has a reason to like praise! She likes to be with us. While this will certainly work with LPD, use food as their reward. They will be much more into food than praise, as you go out and feed them twice to three times a day and that is what they expect from you. The farm shepherd is not ONLY a lpd, and I have never met any of the lpd breeds that can be taught like the Farm Shepherds can.

So back to the game. I like a soft glove. Sit on the floor with your pup and be petting and playing quietly with her. Place the glove playfully it front of her nose and say "take it". this is a game, make it fun. your pup will take it immediately, praise and encourage her to hold it while you praise her. No need to scold, ever with this game. This is a game. After one or two times, she should take it every time you tell her to. Don't let her get bored, and remember she will want to pick up other items in the house, especially if they smell like you! (this will teach your husband to pick up his dirty laundry!).
So now she knows take it, then immediately you will teach the "give" or release. I want them to give it to my hand, but for some of the service dogs you may prefer "drop it". This is the primary step to training shutzhund work btw, you will absolutely NEED this "game" Most pups like to play it, but most dogs do not, which is why we teach them so young. In one or two days your pup will get this, meanwhile do not forget the "where's ?" game. Both will need to be used daily to be affective. After a month, then they should have it for life.

"What you invest in your puppy now, will be returned to you tenfold for many years to come"

I have just ordered another camera, so we should begin with more photos in the next week or two. Ariel is being trained as a basic service and farm dog. She is out with goats and horses (and Chewy ) at night, and with us all day. We have two handicapped daughters, one who gets lost and confused so Ariel will be needed for search and rescue type air scenting. Which is why the "where's Suzi" game is popular around here! We have a very heavy preditor load here, with cougar and coyotes all around day and night. So far we are the only ranch not hit by the three cougars in the area. But Chewy is out working all night long. Dolly is forteen and doing great. you will get to "meet" the family as we train our dogs together.

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